Seiko Hashimoto, former Minister in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, who is pro-Abe, has decided to attend the House of Councilors Political Ethics Review Committee regarding the issue surrounding the political funding party of a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, and has informed the review committee.

Former House of Councilors Secretary-General Seko and others also intend to attend, and the ruling and opposition parties are expected to make arrangements afterward regarding the specific schedule.

The House of Councilors' Committee on Political Ethics, which is responsible for explaining and questioning members regarding this issue, completed its work on the morning of the 12th after confirming the intentions of 32 people requested by four opposition parties, including the Constitutional Democratic Party, to attend.

According to people involved, Seiko Hashimoto, a new member of the Abe faction's standing executive committee, and former Olympic and Paralympic minister, has decided to attend the committee and informed the committee.

She reportedly replied that it would be up to the review board to decide whether to release the information to the press.

So far, Seko Seko, former Secretary-General of the House of Councilors, and Rep. Shoji Nishida, both members of the same Abe faction, have attended the review committee, and they have announced their intention to make the information publicly available to the press.

The review committee is considering holding it later this week, and based on the results of confirming the intentions of the members, it is expected that adjustments will be made to the number of attendees, schedule, and public disclosure, including holding a secretariat meeting afterwards.