Arcadi Sword

Yaiza Santos

Updated Saturday, March 9, 2024-00:03

He remembered that friend of his who, in the seventies and at El Cafetín Musiquero, got rid of a naive girl by telling her how bad luck it was for him to be on the days of men's annual menstruation.

And from there she passed, insensibly, to the annual menstruation on March 8.

Of all the fun that the day provides, she highlighted that study that says that the number of women who are dedicated to mathematics is much lower than in the mid-nineties.

The fault, of course, lies with the men, who have made mathematics a teaching and sexist aggression.

Ah, what if she were a girl, he, who always asks her dear sister, Pilar, to review her articles with her numbers!

A matter of utmost importance is that Le Pen voted in favor of including the right to abortion in the French Constitution.

It is demonstrated, once again, how that is a country in which beliefs are healthily isolated from political activity, something unthinkable in ours.

Regarding Spain and the serious events that are taking place, he did not want to comment beyond the grotesque spectacle that the Minister of the Presidency and Justice has offered.

The reaction of the judiciary is to be expected, but he does not dare to say in what form.

This has just begun.

And he had to give his reasons again about drugs, following Ricardo Cayuela's defense of legalization.

Of course, the State can prohibit the personal freedom to kill oneself slowly, just as it prohibits driving in a car without a seat belt;

Of course the community has the moral duty to protect its individuals, and yes, it is true that drugs could lead man to civilization, but there is a critical moment, in which either there are drugs or there is civilization.

And that's how Espada went.



Rights in jest

, by Pablo de Lora.


The sexual paradox

, by Susan Pinker.