Pascal Praud SEASON 2023 - 2024 2:59 p.m., March 7, 2024

Pascal Praud returns for two hours, without concession, on all the subjects that are in the news.

Today he returns with Rudy Mana, national police alliance spokesperson and Frédéric Ploquin, author, on the Senate Commission of Inquiry into drug trafficking which is traveling to Marseille.

He also welcomes Loïc Cantin, president of FNAIM, to discuss the real estate crisis the country is going through.

Finally he returns to the nomination at La France Insoumise, of the pro-Palestine activist Rima Hassan, for the European elections.

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- Rudy Manna, national police alliance spokesperson.

- Frédéric Ploquin, author of the book “The secret networks of the Police”.

- Loic Cantin, president of FNAIM.