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Video duration 04 minutes 52 seconds 04:52

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli occupation army, Herzi Halevy, said that the army paid heavy prices and lost commanders and fighters, “despite the achievements it achieved in the war on the Gaza Strip.”

In this context, the military and strategic expert, Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, pointed out that the occupation leaders are still talking about goals that are far from reality, such as the day after the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza.

During his analysis for Al Jazeera, Al-Duwairi pointed out that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure, presented his vision for the day after the war on Gaza, describing it as not based on the objectivity of what is happening on the ground.

He drew attention to the statements of the Israeli Chief of Staff, in which he said that the lack of clarity of goals dwarfs the achievements, and added that there is a gap between the political and military leaders of the occupation, before confirming that the war begins with a political decision and ends with a political decision.

Regarding the occupation army’s statements about field achievements, Al-Duwairi explained that destroying homes, schools, and hospitals, committing massacres, and displacing residents are not achievements, but rather systematic destruction of the necessities of life.

It is natural that the occupation succeeded in killing some of the resistance’s military and field leaders, and “this is not an achievement” - according to the military expert - who said that the achievements must be translated into a real material dimension.

He stressed that the combat tunnels are still unknown and are a complex network that can only be discovered after entering them, and warned of the need to differentiate between tunnels designated for combat purposes and those for the purposes of sleeping and logistical matters.

Source: Al Jazeera