Europe 1 with AFP 7:07 p.m., March 6, 2024

The deputies rejected on Wednesday, in committee, the proposal of the Horizons group to partially reverse the ban on the accumulation of mandates, in force since 2017, but a new examination will take place on March 14 in the hemicycle.

“I remain convinced that there is a path for this text to pass through the Assembly,” declared to AFP its rapporteur Henri Alfandari (Horizons), member of the presidential majority, invoking the need to reconnect parliamentarians to “ground realities”.


The mayors of France demand the return of the accumulation of mandates

“The balance of power will not be the same in the hemicycle” he argues about his bill, which will be debated on March 14 in its initial version, after the Law Committee rejected its single article on Wednesday. .

Abstention among the RN and Macronists divided on the subject

Henri Alfandari notably underlined that there had been numerous abstentions, and that the positions of the voters present did not necessarily reflect those of all the deputies of their groups.

The Macronists of the Renaissance group, divided on the subject, had instructions to abstain.

Those of Modem, another ally of the majority, spoke out against this text, which had benefited from the support of the right.

The Insoumis, socialists and ecologists deputies took issue with a possible return of accumulation, denouncing a “wound” going against the wishes of public opinion.

The members of the National Rally (RN) abstained, reserving “their position for the session”.

At the heart of the debates: a 2014 law, adopted under François Hollande and applied since 2017, prohibits a parliamentarian from simultaneously holding a local executive mandate.

The Horizons text only wants to partially return to this principle, by once again making it possible for a parliamentarian to exercise the function of deputy mayor, vice-president of a department, region or even a mixed union.

Combination prohibited for certain functions

Accumulation would remain prohibited for the functions of mayor and president of departmental and regional councils.

The objective "is the desire to anchor parliamentarians in the realities on the ground", argues Henri Alfandari.

Because “to write laws well”, you have to have “your hands dirty”.

Arguments refuted by detractors of cumulation, deeming it impossible to properly fulfill local executive and parliamentary functions.

And fearing of fueling voter distrust.

The Minister responsible for Local Authorities, Dominique Faure, said Tuesday in Le Figaro that she was "personally" in favor of a relaxation of the 2014 law. But "surely the Horizons bill is coming a little too quickly", she added.