Regarding the export of the next-generation fighter jet, which is being jointly developed with Britain and Italy, to third countries, Komeito's Political Affairs Research Chairman Takagi said that Prime Minister Kishida's parliamentary answers will deepen public understanding, and he is in the process of allowing it. He expressed his desire to consolidate opinions within the party.

Discussions are continuing between the Liberal Democratic Party, which has a policy of allowing the export of defense equipment jointly developed with other countries, and the Komeito Party, which is cautious, regarding the export of defense equipment jointly developed with other countries, such as the next generation of fighter jets, to third countries, and Prime Minister Kishida stated in the Diet that only Japan can export Without it, Japan's defense would be hindered, so creating an export mechanism would help create a favorable security environment.

Commenting on this, Komeito's Political Affairs Research Chairman Takagi said at a press conference, ``Prime Minister Kishida carefully explained the following three points: why we need the next fighter jet, why we will conduct joint international development, and why we will transfer it to a third country.'' "The public's understanding will deepen."

He then stated, ``There are still issues to be addressed regarding the process and what to do to stop exports, so I would like to deepen the discussion within the party.'' He stated that he would like to sort out the issues and gather opinions within the party in the direction of allowing exports. I expressed my desire to do so.