Pascal Praud SEASON 2023 - 2024 12:18 p.m., March 5, 2024

Pascal Praud returns for two hours, without concession, on all the subjects that are in the news.

Today, Claudine, the daughter of a patient found dead in a garbage dumpster at the Aix-en-Provence hospital on February 25, delivers a poignant testimony.

With the listeners and Jean-François Cibien, emergency doctor at the Agen hospital center, they highlight the glaring lack of staff in medical centers in France.

Do you want to react?

Call it (non-premium rate number) or go to Europe 1's social networks to share your opinion and debate the major themes developed in today's show.

Guest :

- Jean-François Cibien,

emergency doctor at the Agen – Nerac hospital center, vice-president SAMU - Urgence de France