Voting is underway on the 5th, with Super Tuesday being a major turning point in selecting candidates for the opposition party and Republican Party for the fall U.S. presidential election.

Vote counting is set to begin soon in some states, and the focus is on whether former President Trump, who has a large lead, will further separate former United Nations Ambassador Haley and determine the course for the party's nomination.

Voting was held on the 5th to select candidates for the opposition party and Republican Party for this November's US presidential election, on Super Tuesday, a big day when primaries and caucuses are held all at once in 15 states across the country. I am.

Vote counting will begin at 9 a.m. Japan time in southern Virginia and eastern Vermont.

Former President Trump, who is aiming for a comeback, has won eight states and the U.S. Virgin Islands, excluding the capital Washington, among the candidates selected so far, and has a 9-1 lead over former United Nations Ambassador Haley. .

The average support rating in national polls shows Trump leading Haley by a large margin of more than 60 points, and polls conducted in various places also show Trump ahead of Haley, with an even wider lead in the party's lead. The focus is on whether this will determine the flow toward winning the nomination.