Cristina Rubio Barcelona


Updated Saturday, March 2, 2024-12:06

The former leader of Unidas Podemos in Congress and Sumar's negotiator in the last investiture, Jaume Asens, adds pressure in the midst of the countdown of the amnesty negotiations and announced this Saturday that the agreement between the PSOE and Junts is "imminent" : "The PSOE will not vote against the Junts amendments and Junts will not vote against the law."

"Everyone has made their starting positions more flexible and an intermediate point has been found," Asens said in statements to Catalunya Ràdio.

Although the agreement has not yet been closed - it is "on track", in his words -, according to his forecasts there will not be "a negotiation at the last minute" between both parties, unlike what happened in the last amnesty vote in Congress, overthrown by Junts in the first punishment of Sánchez by the post-convergents.

A rush that Puigdemont's party has already taken care of stopping with the help of its general secretary, Jordi Turull.

"We are not responsible for what third parties say or speculate about hypothetical agreements," he warned immediately after Asens' words.

"We continue working so that the amnesty law is comprehensive and immediately applicable," Junts reiterates in its assessment of the draft leaked by Moncloa on the opinion of the Venice Commission on amnesty.

"Now the Venice Commission confirms that we were right, that is why we continue working so that the amnesty law is comprehensive and immediately applicable," warn the post-convergents, endorsing the Government's version.

Of course, they also warn that the decriminalization of the process should not "leave anyone behind" and should include all cases related to terrorism.

"It is necessary to continue working to reinforce some essential aspects of the Law in order to guarantee its legal certainty - the objective scope of application to avoid an arbitrary interpretation of the Law - and the immediate application of the amnesty."