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Occupied Jerusalem

- In the early hours of Friday morning, large forces from the occupation army and engineering units raided the house of the father of the Jerusalemite martyr, Muhammad Yusef Manasra, known locally as “Yogi,” in the Qalandia Palestinian refugee camp, north of the city of Jerusalem, and took its measurements in preparation for its demolition.

Who is "Yogi"?

Manasra (31 years old) was martyred on Friday after carrying out a fedayeen attack in which two Israeli settlers were killed near the Eli settlement, south of the city of Nablus in the West Bank.

"Yogi" is a young man who works as an officer in the Palestinian police. His operation in the northern West Bank surprised his friends.

He was known for his calmness and dedication to serving people.

Al Jazeera Net visited the martyr's family and met his friend Kamal Abu Ghawila, who knew him closely, and his father, Youssef Diab Manasra, to inform its followers more about the personality of the perpetrator.

Abu Ghawila walks with Al Jazeera Net in the martyr’s bedroom, on the upper floor of his father’s house.

It shows a picture of the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, and says, “The martyr Yogi is a friend of everyone and had a big heart and sacrificed himself and his soul for the sake of the homeland.”

He added that Manasra "was working as an officer in the Palestinian police force and helping everyone, and about 40 days ago his mother died."

Yesterday evening, Thursday, the young Jerusalemite man, Muhammad Manasra (31 years old), from Qalandiya camp, north of #occupied Jerusalem, was martyred after carrying out a shooting attack in the “Eli” settlement, south of the city of Nablus, which led to the death of two Israeli soldiers

- Al Jazeera Net |

Jerusalem (@Aljazeeraquds) March 1, 2024

Regarding his character, he says, “Yogi was a patriot par excellence, but no one expected him to do something like what he did.”

He pointed out that the occupation forces stormed the house of the martyr’s father in Qalandia camp after besieging it, searching it, and taking its measurements in preparation for its demolition.

For his part, the martyr's father, who received Al Jazeera Net hours after his release, at the funeral home set up for his son, said: The martyr had "excellent social relations, and was keen to help people through his relationships and work."

He pointed out that his house was stormed and he was taken to the Israeli "Beit El" camp near Ramallah, before he later fired his weapon.

He said that the occupation forces vandalized his house and a barber shop below it, and did not limit themselves to the martyr’s bedroom.

Source: Al Jazeera