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After the recent irritations between Emanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz over military support for Ukraine, both sides are trying to quickly improve relations.

A “Week of Harmony” is now planned with daily mutual visits by the German Chancellor and the French President, with which mutual appreciation should be deepened privately and demonstrated publicly.

According to reports, the respective program points go back to the personal ideas of the two hereditary friends.

Monday: Dinner at 6 p.m. sharp at Scholz's in Potsdam. According to the Chancellery, "President Macron and his teacher" are invited.

Tuesday: Visit to the hairdresser together in the most exclusive salon in Paris, Macron pays out of his own pocket.

Wednesday: Scholz visits a workwear manufacturer in Biebergemünd with Macron, then poses together in neon yellow high-visibility vests from the current collection.

Thursday: Measurement and comparison of state male heights at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Sèvres to finally clarify the question of who has the longest standard meter.

Friday: Visit to the German Football Museum in Dortmund, where Italian football legend Marco Materazzi gave a lecture about the summer fairy tale of 2006.

No activities are planned on Saturday due to strikes in both countries, the climax of the “Week of Harmony” follows on Sunday: Scholz takes up Macron's original suggestion and plans to send ground troops to Alsace in a friendly manner.

In return, Macron wants to personally demonstrate the range of the French Scalp cruise missile to his German friend.

Both sides are confident: After that, the German-French engine will hum again.