In just over twenty years, Germany has become an El Dorado for sex tourism.

People come from all over the world to discover Hamburg's brothels and take advantage of perfectly legal "services".

The law on the legalization of prostitution, passed in 2002 by Social Democratic and Green deputies, aimed to provide security, protection and autonomy to sex workers by providing them with professional status.

But this law also decriminalized pimping by creating a status of “sex entrepreneur”.

As a result, this lucrative business still remains largely dominated by organized crime.

Officially, the country has 2,310 establishments offering sexual services, while some 28,280 prostitutes are registered, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).

But there are many more undeclared sex workers.

According to estimates from various organizations, between 200,000 and 400,000 people work in this sector.

According to several studies, 90% of them are victims of human trafficking.

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