
Updated Friday, March 1, 2024-09:40

Starting next Monday, March 4

, 2024 ,

Catalan pharmacies


distribute free

menstrual cups, absorbent panties and cloth pads

to women, non-binary people and trans men who menstruate through a collaboration agreement between the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat and the Consell de Collegis Farmacèutics de Catalunya (CCFC), which has an allocation of 8.5 million.

The measure was announced last September by the Minister of Equality and Feminisms,

Tània Verge,

to start in the first half of 2024, although until now the implementation date was unknown.

Interested people will have to present to one of the pharmacies that are part of the project an

individual and non-transferable QR code that they will find in the

La Meva Salut

mobile application


will be able to choose one of the three products they offer

depending on the one that best suits their needs. needs.

If the center does not have the products available, they will be delivered within 48 hours.

The president of the CCFC,

Jordi Casas

, believes that this measure reinforces the role of pharmacists as

"agents of health, proximity and trust"

and the councilor has planned that all or almost all pharmacies in Catalonia can participate, a total of

3,272 offices.


"They are the guarantee of being able to reach all women in the country, wherever they live, and they are also spaces of reference, trust and experience," claimed the head of Equality and Feminisms, who thanked the CCFC for its enthusiasm.

The measure is part

of the Menstrual and Climacteric Equity Plan 2023-2025

that the Catalan Executive approved in March 2023 and the councilor has specified that the budget of 8.5 million is the item that will be allocated in 2024 for the purchase and distribution of products as well as to train pharmacists.

With the training, the



advice in pharmacies on the correct use of the products

, as well as support during the first episodes of menstruation, and the pharmacists will explain to interested people how the three products work so that they can choose the one that best suits them. adapt to your needs.