Europe 1 Archives SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:00, February 29, 2024

In 1932 in the south of France, a gang of gangsters, whose leader is named Maucuer, has a habit of looting trains.

But this routine is starting to no longer amuse this puny man who never smiles.

Especially since a new, much more attractive opportunity presents itself.

Every Thursday, a bank deposits money at the post office in the Saint-Barnabé district of Marseille.

The perfect opportunity for these bandits who plan to go and steal the tickets there. 

On the other side of the Marseille city, in his police station, the head of Sûreté receives an anonymous letter informing him that a gang is preparing an attack on the post office in the "cursed district".

For some time now, the city's police have had a bad reputation: they are considered incompetent in this part of the town where criminals have a strong presence.

This information is therefore the perfect opportunity for the police to finally improve their image.

Their plan is worthy of a real play, the outcome of which will be to catch the bandits in the act.

How will these somewhat gullible police officers cope with armed bandits?

And will Maucuer, the gang leader, really be able to count on his men?

Pierre Bellemare tells this incredible story in this episode of the podcast “The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare”, from the Europe 1 archives and produced by Europe 1 Studio. 


Production and musical composition: Julien Tharaud

Production: Sébastien Guyot

Sound heritage: Sylvaine Denis, Laetitia Casanova, Antoine Reclus

Writing and distribution: Lisa Soster

Promotion and distribution: Marie Corpet

Creation of the visual: Sidonie Mangin 

Thanks to Roselyne Bellemare and Mariapia Bracchi-Bellemare