Juliette Mély / Photo credits: MARTIN BUREAU / AFP 6:44 a.m., February 29, 2024

40,000 French people will blow out their candles this Thursday evening.

They were born on February 29, a birthday they look forward to because it only comes every four years.

Being born on the last day of February poses certain problems that we don't always think about. 

Célestine Réaud, born February 29, 2000, is preparing to celebrate her birthday on the same day for the first time in four years.

“Having it on the real day always has a special flavor so it’s always better,” rejoices Célestine who has planned to organize an evening with her friends.

In non-leap years, if she wants to celebrate her birthday, she must do so on February 28 or March 1.

A date of birth that does not appear on certain software

But beyond this somewhat anecdotal problem, it is above all at the administrative level that her date of birth posed a problem, particularly when she wanted to register at 17 for her Defense and Citizenship Day.

“I had to enter the date of birth with the town hall so that it coincided with the session I was going to take, but my birthday did not appear on the computer,” explains Célestine. 


 February 29: why and since when have there been leap years?

And three years out of four, she also has to give up on certain special offers: "the emails you receive on your birthday with free products from certain brands and I don't receive them", regrets -she.

In addition to the promotions, this year Célestine will also be entitled to a little wink from her parents: a copy of La Bougie du Sapeur, a newspaper which only appears on February 29.