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Photo: Christian Charisius / dpa

The controversial EU supply chain law failed in the vote among the member states, as the Belgian Council Presidency announced.

The compromise did not find the necessary support.

"We now have to examine the state of affairs and see whether it is possible to address the concerns raised by the member states in consultation with the European Parliament." This means it is unclear whether the project needs to be renegotiated again, although it is in the In December there was actually already a compromise between negotiators from the two institutions.

At short notice, another vote on the supply chain law was scheduled for Wednesday.

Several governments rejected the plan, the federal government wanted to abstain.

The federal government's abstention had been clear for weeks.

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (both FDP) reject the plan, which leads to an abstention in Brussels.

The SPD and the Greens are in favor of approval.

The aim of the EU supply chain law is that no goods should be sold in the EU that were produced using child labor or that cause environmental damage during their production.

(You can read the reasons for the rejection of the FDP here.)
