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Demonstration for abortion rights in Paris, France: "My body, my uterus, my decision"

Photo: Michel Euler / dpa

“Freedom to abortion” is about to be included in the French constitution.

France's Senate passed a corresponding bill.

Both chambers of Parliament are expected to meet next week to amend the constitution accordingly.

President Emmanuel Macron responded to cuts in abortion rights in the USA with the 2022 proposal.

Large majority for changing the law

The inclusion in the constitution is primarily symbolic.

Abortion with a medical certificate is legally guaranteed in France up to the 14th week.

According to a survey from the end of 2022, 86 percent of French people support its inclusion in the constitution.

As expected, criticism came from abortion opponents.

The Alliance Vita association described the planned constitutional change as “nonsense”.

The organization emphasized that it is more urgent than ever to implement policies that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The bill now presented mentions the “freedom to” but not the “right to” an abortion, which is a legally weaker formulation.

In order to change the constitution, the National Assembly and Senate must meet in the so-called Congress and adopt three-fifths of the text.

Former Health Minister Simone Veil paved the way for legal abortion in 1975.

Last year, around 234,000 abortions were carried out in France.
