Vicente Coll Madrid


Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-09:14

Neither the amnesty nor the results in



The shock wave of the

Koldo case

is what is having an impact on Pedro Sánchez's


in recent days.

And the Popular Party knows it.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo delved deeper into the open wound this Wednesday and took advantage of the Government control session to attack the PSOE and expand the sources of suspicion even to the President of the Government, whom he pointed out directly: "You knew it and you covered it up." He stated, "for more than three years."

Accusations that Sánchez categorically rejected: "We came to the Government to banish corruption," launched the socialist leader, who boasted of "fighting face to face" against any hint of irregularity, in contrast to the PP.

In fact, the head of the Executive defended himself by recalling the case of Isabel Díaz Ayuso's brother, already archived by Justice: "Why did Mr. Casado fall? For denouncing a corruption plot, and you are standing for covering up and tolerating that corruption," he attacked Feijóo.

"Do not spread to anyone what you have underneath. You are investigating your Government and your party", Just one week after the explosion of the case and less than 24 hours after the former minister and former socialist leader José Luis Ábalos will challenge Sánchez by refusing to hand over his record as a deputy and march to the

Mixed Group

, the PP brings out all its artillery to surround other figures in the government and socialist front row through more than a dozen questions in this control session, in addition to interventions focused on this issue in all the commissions scheduled this week.

A pressure added to by Vox, which this Wednesday confirmed that, like the PP, it has been accepted as a popular accusation in this case in the National Court.

The popular ones seek to relate high-ranking officials, such as

Ángel Víctor Torres


Francina Armengol


Salvador Illa


Santos Cerdán

, for their role in the purchase of masks in 2020 or their proximity to

Koldo García

, Ábalos' trusted man during his time as minister and main splashed in the plot of irregularities known in recent days.