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Refugees from Pakistan cleaning in the state initial reception center in Ellwangen (Baden-Württemberg): “Many refugees want it that way too.”

Photo: Wolfram Kastl/dpa

In the Saale-Orla district in Thuringia, asylum seekers will in future be used for community service work.

The announcement by the CDU district administrator caused both praise and criticism nationwide - and further debates.

Now the President of the German District Council is in favor of introducing compulsory work for all employable asylum seekers in Germany, including beyond the non-profit sector.

Such an obligation is needed for all refugees, said association president Reinhard Sager of the “Bild” newspaper.

“Financial support from the state must not be unconditional,” Sager continued.

Anyone who stays in Germany for a longer period of time must work.

“Society expects that, and that’s what many refugees themselves want.”

“It’s about the signal you send”

It is already possible for municipalities to engage asylum seekers in community service work.

They can be entrusted with work through social clubs or other independent providers.

“Those who are able to work and are not employed are entitled to benefits and are no longer of compulsory school age, are obliged to take up a job opportunity that is made available to them,” says the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

You are paid 80 cents per hour, an allowance set out in the Asylum Act.

If the asylum seekers refuse to work, they are threatened with having their money withdrawn.

Association President Sager wants to expand the use of work to the regular labor market.

He called on the federal government to adapt the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

In the future, refugees should not only be allowed to do charitable work, but also work in private companies - especially where there is a shortage of staff.

"It's not so much about the added value of the work for society, but about the signal that you send," he said.

But it must be possible to do more than just sweep the park.

In the long run, this is nothing more than occupational therapy.

In the catering industry, for example, hard-working helpers are desperately needed.

In the Saale-Orla district, CDU district administrator Christian Herrgott decided on the work assignments.

Initially, 150 volunteers will be offered work opportunities, also to give them a daily structure, Herrgott told the “Tagesspiegel”.

The first 50 employees would clean the inside and outside of the shared accommodation, do winter maintenance or green cutting.

The expense allowance is paid out via the payment card for asylum seekers.
