“Why not give the opportunity to postpone to a later date, but limited.

Generally for everyone.

For example, if we didn’t have time to spend this year, let’s bring it for next year.

Let there be more opportunities.

The denomination of the card is small.

This year I couldn’t go to the theater or cinema several times, and next year I went four times instead of two, relatively speaking,” the deputy noted.

In his opinion, a reasonable period should be established during which the funds could be used.

As an example, the deputy cited the point system operating in retail chains, where points are stored for a certain period of time and then expired.

“Or we need to provide the opportunity to purchase tickets with an open date, also as a way out.

Here you need to follow the path so that the target money goes in the intended way and in no case is burned out.

Otherwise, all logic is violated,” added RT’s interlocutor.

He also drew attention to the need to develop the appropriate infrastructure for using the Pushkin card.

“If you don’t deal with children, then children will start studying themselves.

And then we will record a surge in violations, a decrease in the drinking age and other obscene trends.

Therefore, we need to do this everywhere, which is why the Pushkin Map was introduced.

Including (it is necessary -


) to support small towns, given that in small towns, of course, there are fewer opportunities in terms of infrastructure, in terms of services provided,” Nilov concluded.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Evgeny Fedorov proposed allowing young people living in small settlements to transfer unspent Pushkin Card funds to the next year.

Read more in RT's material.