Beatriz Miranda

Updated Saturday, February 24, 2024-01:37

  • Mordex tips, a bitter nail polish so that the King does not bite his nails

  • Exclusive The expert advisor in beauty and television that Pedro Sánchez takes everywhere

There is no controversy that affects the Government that erases Pedro Sánchez's smile.

The president is more about defending himself with attacks and calls for prudence than about clarifying responsibilities

, this is how he understands he must carry out his work as a leader.

However, this is an attitude that surely brings her troubles in the privacy of his home in Moncloa.

Holder of the most responsible position in Spain but also a person, his hands show that he has more concerns than those he demonstrates with his usual sobriety or cockiness in the face of evidence, something common among politicians, regardless of their color, since the dialectical confrontation It is more abundant in Congress than State pacts.

His nails, in fact, give him away.

Pedro Sánchez is a

long-term champion of onychophagia

based on the shape of his fingers.

His fingertips are round, very round, and his nails stop growing halfway along the phalanx, with too many millimeters of flesh sticking out on top.

Like so many Spaniards, the President of the Government is a professional nail-biter, "he eats his hands up to the elbow", as they say.

This supplement lies on the couch of a specialist in this type of habits that can become something serious if not treated in time.

We spoke with

the health psychologist Elena Dopra

, who clarified that there are two aspects, onychophagia itself, which consists of nail biting, and dermatophagia, which causes those who suffer from it to bite their hangnails, tear off bits of skin.

Sánchez's hands in the foreground.EFE

"It is a habit that can occur in specific moments of stress and worry, but it becomes something complex when it is observed that it is a

symptom of another disorder, such as OCD

or any that has associated anxiety as the center of the pathology" clarifies the expert.

Based on what he sees in consultation, Dapra says that onychophagia affects men and women indiscriminately and that it has

an incidence in adolescents of 45%


From what can be seen in Sánchez's hands, he suffers from moderate level onychophagia, since the shape of his fingers shows that he

has bitten his nails, possibly since he was a child


Furthermore, the main photo of this article gives him away: we caught him in his Congress chair in a gesture very typical of an onychophagus about to feast on fingernails.

Eight times more bitter

The Koldo


, the tractors, the amnesty

... The president has reasons for holding these banquets, which do not bring anything good (they are still normalized self-harm) and not only on an aesthetic level, since they only produce unconscious relief and punctual of anxiety in the short term and do not solve the underlying problem that may exist.


The treatment is cognitive-behavioral

, and involves becoming aware of when you bite your nails, identifying why you do it, whether it is due to specific stress or low self-esteem... It may or may not be associated with imposter syndrome, in which there is a dissonance between how I see myself as prepared to respond, what is asked of me in a situation and how I value my achievements. In this way, they have a persistent fear of being discovered as impostors. A false belief in which they live anchored ".

King Felipe, with plasters on his fingers.GTRES

In the treatment of onychophagia, measures are taken such as neutralizing the stimulus with bracelets, reminders or devices such as splints, since there are people who cause serious injuries.

You can use the



that the Basque laboratory Urgo sells today.

A Spanish invention that dates back to 1962 and that generates a turnover of one million euros a year thanks to the sale of 70,000 small bottles.

When speaking with María Prieto, product manager at Mordex, we know that Sánchez can use "denoathonium benzoate in its traditional or plus version, for those over 14 years of age, eight times more bitter."

King Felipe is a dermatophagus


King Felipe suffers from dermatophagia more than onychophagia according to the plasters he usually wears on his fingers and which surely make kissing his hands more painful.

"The current Spanish political situation does not contribute to quitting the habit," says María Prieto, product director of Mordex, something that psychologist Elena Dapra agrees with.

"Around 40 of Spaniards have bitten their nails or skin at some point in their lives and approximately half of them relapse in adulthood. It is a symptom of stress and anxiety but also of shyness, nervousness and fear. Thanks to the boom in manicures, women get over it sooner.