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Ricarda Lang: The Green Party leader has recently had to often face the discontent of farmers

Photo: Serhat Kocak / dpa

Farmers in Germany have been protesting for several weeks.

Now numerous farmers have disrupted an appointment with Green Party federal chairwoman Ricarda Lang in Magdeburg.

According to the police, the approximately 200 participants parked their machines around the venue and lit fires.

After the politician's arrival there were shouts of "Boo!" and a concert of horns, and some also shouted "We've had enough!"

Lang tried to talk to some farmers, said a police spokeswoman.

Even before the party's internal event began, the first farmers had gathered; according to police, around 90 tractors and other vehicles had blocked a main road in the Buckau district late on Saturday afternoon.

It had to be closed to traffic, but trams continued to run, it was said.

There have recently been several violent protests against the Greens.

Lang was whistled at, insulted and prevented from leaving an event in Schorndorf near Stuttgart.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) was again welcomed in Nuremberg in mid-February with a loud whistle concert and chants.

Green Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir recently called on farmers' associations to take stronger action against radical forces during protests.

There have also been violent protests by farmers in France in recent weeks, including highway blockades that lasted for days.

It was only on Saturday that there were sometimes violent protests against French President Emmanuel Macron before the opening of the Paris agricultural fair.
