The Liberal Democratic Party will hold study sessions on topics such as political history and diplomacy for young members starting next month as part of the party's efforts to develop human resources, which has been the responsibility of factions, following the dissolution of a series of factions. became.

In response to the problems surrounding factions' political funding parties, four of the six factions of the Liberal Democratic Party decided to disband, and the party decided to disband the ``Political Reform Headquarters'', stating that it is necessary for the party to play the role of human resource development that has been played by factions. The work team that was originally set up is currently considering ways to expand the training system.

As part of these efforts, the Liberal Democratic Party has decided to hold a new study session at the Chuo Graduate School of Political Science, a party institution whose purpose is to discover and develop new human resources.

Current cabinet ministers and former diplomats will serve as lecturers, and will be held from early next month to June on topics such as political history and diplomacy, targeting party-affiliated members of the House of Representatives who have been elected four times or less and members of the House of Councilors who have been elected two or less times. I am planning to give a lecture on.

The Liberal Democratic Party hopes to use the new study session as a forum for exchanging information, as there have been complaints that the dissolution of factions has reduced opportunities for members to interact with each other.