Arcadi Sword

Yaiza Santos

Updated Saturday, February 24, 2024-00:11

Moscow will have taken good note.

Nine days later, the death on Spanish soil of a deserted pilot at the hands of Russian gunmen is on the front page of

El País


To talk about this very serious event, where has the President of the Government been?

Where, the Minister of the Interior, who has appeared to make embarrassing statements this week?

Those who talk about terrorism as small clandestine groups forget that a State can also be terrorist.

With a traitor in Villajoyosa, with Navalni in the Arctic and with hundreds of thousands of Navalnis in Ukraine.

Although he recognizes the incriminating data in the case, he asks for Koldo García, right-hand man of former Minister Ábalos, the same as for everyone: presumption of innocence.

The same cannot be said of the footballer Alves, already sentenced to four and a half years for rape.

But he announces that he will take care of that on Sunday!

He had to talk about drugs again, to warn Savater of his particular bias: thinking that one's vices must be virtues.

But the rest, I was happy, after having dinner at Diverxo with Emilia Landaluce.

He confirmed that Dabiz Muñoz is the most worthy heir of El Bulli and that he has perfectly understood that in these restaurants you are not going to eat, but to be eaten.

And that's how Espada went.