Hoarseness may indicate serious diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Shutterstock)

The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic at Tübingen University Hospital in Germany said that hoarseness has several causes, some of which are simple and some of which are serious.

The clinic explained that the simple causes of hoarseness are when the vocal cords are exposed to excessive stress, for example due to singing or speaking loudly, which usually happens to singers, actors, and teachers in particular.

Minor causes also include catching a cold and using certain medications such as cortisone sprays, which are often used by asthma patients, and anti-allergy medications, called antihistamines.

dangerous diseases

The clinic added that hoarseness may indicate some serious diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), esophageal reflux, nerve damage, vocal cord paralysis, and laryngeal cancer.

The clinic indicated that hoarseness can be combated in simple cases by drinking herbal tea such as chamomile, sage, fennel and thyme with honey, as these herbs have an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial effect, while honey has a balm-like effect on the mucous membranes. .

It is also important not to strain the voice, as one should not shout or speak loudly, knowing that speaking in a low voice is less stressful for the voice than whispering.

You should also avoid iced drinks, ice cream, spices, ginger tea and mint tea, as they can cause additional strain on the vocal cords.

doctor consultation

If these measures do not succeed in treating hoarseness, then a doctor should be consulted, especially if the hoarseness is accompanied by other symptoms such as the complete disappearance of the voice, shortness of breath, swallowing difficulties, and the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

Source: German