Europe 1 Studios 4:20 p.m., February 23, 2024, modified at 4:21 p.m., February 23, 2024

Haunted houses, cursed roads, occult stories… The world seems full of scary stories, according to some guests of the “Mysteries & Unexplained” podcast.

Find in this article three episodes of this Europe 1 podcast to discover as quickly as possible!

In “Investigation into haunted houses”, the anthropologist Gregory Delaplace talks to us about his book “Special intelligences, investigations into haunted houses” and plunges us into the heart of the mystery of haunted houses in England.

In the episode “Spirit: Are You There?”

», the writer and historian Vivianne Perret talks to us about her work, dealing with occult practices throughout History.

Finally, in the mystery of the cursed roads, the author and speaker Joslan F. Keller tells us about the roads which are said to be inhabited by presences…

Special intelligences

What anthropologist Gregory Delaplace calls “special intelligences” are a perception of what we would call ghosts.

This is the subject of his work “Special intelligences: investigation into haunted houses”.

The author reflects on the investigations of Donald West, parapsychologist, into a series of paranormal apparitions in England.

This took place in the aftermath of the Second World War.

To do this, it is based on a set of phenomena observed in England.

In the tone of a detective novel, the author immerses us in ghost stories...

Do veterans perceive the same signals as civilians?

According to Bob Bellanca's guest, they could have developed a different relationship with the world.

Do similar cases of ghosts spotted in Mongolia, for example, have the same resonance in Asia as in Europe?

According to the anthropologist Grégory Delaplace, our culture and our experiences influence our way of understanding paranormal phenomena.

But what does Gregory Delaplace really mean by “special intelligences”?

It would be “an action organized all over the world that would have to be interpreted”.

It is then through an anthropological analysis that he notices that the witnesses develop this intelligence through a play of mutual influence.

This would make it possible to change the victims' perception of the perceived phenomena, giving them a paranormal resonance.

The occult throughout history

Unexplained facts, tenacious legends and disturbing coincidences... So many elements that you can find in the episode “Spirit: are you there?

”, from the “Mysteries & Unexplained” podcast.

Fascinated by the scenes of time, the writer Vivianne Perret deciphers paranormal phenomena.

It's once again a matter of perceptions that we're talking about, this time through history!

While the paranormal fascinates today, it highlights the different ways of understanding paranormal phenomena depending on the historical context.

She recalls in particular that the way of conceiving unexplained phenomena was not governed, in Antiquity for example, by the question “what?”

but rather by the question “how to guide your life?”


Religion at this time gave a clear framework to the invisible.

In the Middle Ages and then the Renaissance, the paranormal and the occult were hunted, particularly if you were a woman.

For the writer, it is obvious that the witch hunt transformed the place of the occult into a stigmatization of women.

It thus shows how cultural and religious developments over the centuries have shifted the lines between the normal and the paranormal.

Poor roads…

Have you ever been afraid on the road in the dark of night?

Who has never been haunted by the story of the white lady who waits for you at the turn of a country road?

Bob Bellanca welcomes Joslan F. Keller, featured guest on the “Mysteries & Unexplained” podcast, to talk to us about the mystery of cursed roads around the world. 

In the United States, Joslan F. Keller, author and speaker, tells us about the legendary Clinton Road.

Although it is not considered dangerous or accident-prone, it has a particularly bad reputation.

At issue: folklore and local legends about gatherings of witches and occult practices organized in the surrounding areas.

It's also the place where the local mafia, which inspired "The Sopranos", disposes of the bodies of its victims...

The author then takes us to Russia, on the sinisterly named Bone Road... It is particularly cold on certain sections.

Bitumen was thus named in memory of the gulags, work camps under the USSR regime.

Many forced laborers died building the road, leaving countless bodies buried along the roadway...

Finally, Joslan F. Keller takes us to Switzerland, to the Belchen motorway tunnel, in which supernatural apparitions are said to be common... This tunnel would have been the scene of apparitions in the early 1980s. The best known story dates from 1983 A strange woman dressed all in white was reportedly caught hitchhiking.

Her last words: “something terrible is going to happen”… Then, one of the passengers in the car turns around, but the woman has simply disappeared.

This time, no physical explanation.

The paranormal hypothesis is obviously the most mentioned, leaving this mystery unexplained...

Find these episodes of the “Mysteries & Unexplained” podcast on the platforms!