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Video duration 02 minutes 43 seconds 02:43

Dr. Wolf Oliver Krohn said that focal epilepsy is a temporary electrical disturbance in a limited part of the brain.

The German neurologist explained that focal epilepsy leads to false sensory perception, as the patient suffers from mental confusion, speech and vision disturbances, and has unusual thoughts, feelings or perceptions, for example smelling something that does not exist.

Symptoms of focal epilepsy also include numbness, tingling, and uncontrollable movements and spasms, for example, the patient inadvertently grimaces, licks his lips repeatedly, or holds his forehead with his hand.


Dr. Crone stressed the importance of early diagnosis of focal epilepsy to treat it in a timely manner, given that recurrent focal epileptic seizures harm the brain.

Medications can be used to reduce the electrical sensitivity of affected brain cells, thus protecting against further seizures.

Some cases require surgery in the affected area of ​​the brain.

Source: German