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Video duration 02 minutes 51 seconds 02:51

With great bitterness and pain, a Gazan mother burst into tears after she was stranded and unable to find a drop of milk for her two young children, and during that time death was lurking among them on a journey searching for something to feed her little ones.

After days of hunger, destitution, and severe suffering in the north, the mother tried to flee from Gaza City towards the south, to obtain the milk that her children had been missing for more than about two weeks, during which she faced various difficulties in securing milk for her hungry children.

However, this attempt did not succeed, as the displaced people were subjected to bombardment by Israeli vehicles while they were walking along Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza City. A number of them were martyred and injured. The mother and her children survived the bombing, but they did not escape the dangers of hunger that now threatens their lives.

The mother arrived with her children at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, and recounted the painful details, with her young child next to her, and carrying her starving infant, without stopping, even for a moment, from crying because of the helplessness, oppression, and pain squeezing her heart.

She tells the story of the journey that almost destroyed what was left of her life, saying, “We came from Jabalia camp to Gaza City to go south in order to get milk for my children. Two hours ago we went out on a towed vehicle, but Israeli artillery hit us. For two weeks I have been searching for Milk for my children and I do not have the money to buy it. We ate animal barley, but the children are not to blame.”

The mother expressed her fears for the fate of her infant son due to her lack of milk. She said, "We found it very difficult to secure transportation fees to reach Gaza City, and for a week my son has not drunk milk."

She added, "I felt that my son would die from lack of milk. We tried to go out to the south of the Gaza Strip when we heard about the presence of milk there, but we were bombed. The situation is difficult. Our home is far away in the Jabalia camp. I do not know how we will return, what we will do with our lives."

Source: Al Jazeera