Occupation soldiers ride bicycles to Palestinian children who fled bombing and destruction (social networking sites)

“We are the masters of Gaza. We plunder it and everyone knows. Send me to The Hague if you want!”

“From watches and knives to coffee cups and bicycles, the Israeli occupation soldiers spare nothing as they loot Gaza’s homes under the watchful eyes of their leaders, and indeed the entire world.”

The Israeli website "Siha Mekumet" discussed this issue in an investigation entitled "They all loot, the leaders know," based on the testimonies of occupation soldiers.

The website says that it is difficult to limit the phenomenon of looting, but it is clear that it is widespread, to the point that soldiers are not ashamed to film what they are doing, nor even to appear in their recordings with their faces uncovered.

On-air gift

In some of the recordings, one of them displays a watch, a second memorizes sports shirts, while a third plays a guitar belonging to a Palestinian artist. He found the recording by chance while browsing the TikTok website.

 Even cosmetics were not delivered as gifts to wives and girlfriends, one of whom described her “gift” saying that it was “sealed tightly,” then asked if they were products exclusively from Gaza, and if one of them knew the manufacturers.

A paragraph was devoted to this phenomenon in the famous “Tube” program broadcast by Channel 13, but not to condemn it, but rather to warn against using the recordings to “tarnish” the image of Israel.

On a government channel program, soldiers recount on air what they had looted, giving the reporter a mirror they seized from the ruins of Khan Yunis, but the journalist, instead of asking them where they got it from and why they looted it, turns the topic into a joke.

Just a memory

The Siha Mekumet website quotes a soldier as saying that the matter is common, and another confirms that the commanders are aware of the looting, and do not prevent it. “They do not discuss the issue at all... Everyone knows that we are looting, and the issue is seen as a joke... and they say, ‘Send me to "The Hague".

This soldier justifies cases of theft by wanting to preserve a “memory.” For him, the matter is simple. The fact that the house is “finished” (i.e., destroyed) entitles him to seize a rug or a plate.

Even rosaries and school textbook maps were stolen, “to show them what they teach their children there,” says another.

In addition to the chaotic looting, the army supervises another legalized looting, which is assigned to a special unit that seizes money and other property.

 It is estimated that the unit has so far seized tens of millions of shekels worth.

Occupation soldiers stole money and gold from the Gaza Strip worth 90 million shekels (agencies)

Their oil improves the flavour

The soldiers do not leave the houses until after they have looted them, and they have enjoyed the delicious food and food supplies left behind by those fleeing with their skins. “Gazan cuisine is rich in spices,” says one of them.

And not before they scoop out the famous Palestinian olive oil, which “greatly improves the flavor of the food,” another soldier says in an article for Haaretz.

 One of these soldiers told the Siha Mekumet website that they had not been read instructions specifying how to behave inside the houses, which were burned or blown up after they left them.

What occupies the minds of soldiers when entering the kitchen of any home is often not the moral motive, but rather the fear of being poisoned or poisoned, but they overcome this fear after a week or two, as one of them mentioned, by which time the rabbi of the occupation army has explained to them how to make the food compatible with Jewish law, in a letter. He concludes it with his blessings and a verse from the Book of Deuteronomy (the fifth book of the Torah), as they claim.

Source: Israeli press