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AfD politician Ulrich Siegmund

Photo: dts news agency / IMAGO

The Potsdam meeting of the extreme right has further consequences. The state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt has now removed AfD politician Ulrich Siegmund as chairman of the social committee because he took part in the event. 71 members of parliament in Magdeburg voted for the recall. There were 21 no votes. This achieved the necessary two-thirds majority.

Siegmund came under criticism after the meeting in Potsdam. The AfD co-parliamentary group leader stated that he was there as a private individual. Other AfD politicians as well as individual members of the CDU and the ultra-right “Union of Values” also took part. The figurehead of the right-wing extremist “Identitarian Movement” in Austria, Martin Sellner, said he spoke about “remigration” there. When right-wing extremists use the term, they usually mean that large numbers of people of foreign origin should leave the country - even under duress.

Siegmund sees no reason for dismissal

Several factions in parliament criticized Siegmund. He explained that he saw no reason at all to vacate his position as chairman of the social committee. Just because he's sitting in a room and listening to a lecture doesn't mean he agrees with what's being said, says Siegmund.

Siegmund may not be appointed committee chairman again by his parliamentary group in this legislative period. AfD co-parliamentary group leader Oliver Kirchner announced a reshuffle in the Social Committee after the voting results were announced. Hans-Thomas Tillschneider (AfD) is to become the new chairman of the social committee responsible for integration.
