Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Monday, February 19, 2024-10:34

  • 18-F Galicia Results

  • Reactions Ayuso places the elections in Galicia as "the disappearance of the PSOE throughout Spain": "There is life beyond Sánchez's wall"

"The Galicians are relieved, and it has been a relief for the majority of Spaniards, because the independence movement does not enter into the government of the autonomous community." This is the summary that she gave this Monday, twelve hours after confirming the victory of her party in


, the Deputy Secretary General of Organization of the PP,

Carmen Fúnez



number three

by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, "the Galicians have opted for coexistence and moderation in the face of this policy of stories that divide and confront, and that in the end do much, much damage to the lives of all Spaniards", Fúnez said in an interview on Antena 3, which served as the first assessment of the PP leadership on the day after its overwhelming regional victory.

He was referring, among other things, to the amnesty. And that is where he has contributed a discursive novelty: Fúnez has demanded that Pedro Sánchez withdraw the bill after the setback at the polls. "The Socialist Party, starting today, should withdraw that amnesty law that means so much harm to Spaniards in Spain. The PSOE should withdraw the amnesty law after yesterday's result," he stressed.

"Galicia has also sent a very clear message and that is that Sánchez's Government only had nine deputies yesterday. The Government as a whole (PSOE and Sumar). The message is very clear, and that is that what the Spaniards expect from politics It is moderation, dialogue, coexistence and serious policies; that they speak to you about the day-to-day life of Spaniards." "And put an end to the stories that are built from the Falcon," he added, in reference to Sánchez.

To know more


Rueda's victory boosts Feijóo's leadership

  • Editor: JUANMA LAMET Madrid

Rueda's victory boosts Feijóo's leadership


Goodbye to the '23-J syndrome': "Sanchez's legislature is already hanging by a thread. And he has to reflect"

  • Editor: LUCÍA MÉNDEZ

Goodbye to the '23-J syndrome': "Sanchez's legislature is already hanging by a thread. And he has to reflect"

For the


deputy secretary , "the PP was on the right line and on the right path, to unite all those who believe that Spain has to be built with bridges and not with walls", in the face of an amnesty that seems divisive and what has penalized those who promote it in the Congress of Deputies.

Fúnez also had words for Vox, which remains an extra-parliamentary force with only 2.2% of the votes. "He has not done useful politics," she pointed out. "The PP has proven itself to be the most useful instrument against the independence movement and as the only alternative to Sánchez. Both Vox and the PSOE should open a very, very serious debate within their own organizations," he concluded.