Alexandre Chauveau // Photo credit: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP 7:47 p.m., February 18, 2024

The president of the National Rally alerts the Minister of the Interior to the decision of the Council of State of February 2, which puts an end to the “non-admission” system. Until now, this allowed the immediate refoulement of foreigners in an irregular situation to their country of origin.

The decision of the Council of State on February 2, 2024 went unnoticed within the political class. Not in Jordan Bardella's eyes. In an open letter to Gérald Darmanin, the president of the National Rally denounces a ruling which “hinders the State's capacity for action, by depriving it of its power to regulate borders and protect the French”.

Last year, at the Franco-Italian border, the “non-admission” system made it possible to turn back 33,000 migrants out of the 44,000 individuals intercepted. The end of the system now obliges the State to examine the situation of each foreigner in an irregular situation, with the risk, according to several police sources, of saturating reception capacities.

A judgment motivated by a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union

“By granting additional rights to individuals who wish to enter our country illegally, it deprives the French people of their collective right to live in security,” continues Jordan Bardella, who warns of the risk of a provoked migratory surge. by this decision


This echoes a ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union of September 21, 2023 which recalled that, if a State can reestablish controls at its internal borders and refuse entry, it must do so under guarantees provided by European Union law and in particular by the 2008 Returns Directive. 

The National Rally calls for a constitutional revision 

In his letter, Jordan Bardella continues to demand a reform of the Constitution, the only tool capable, according to him, of "countering incapacitating jurisprudence, and of engraving in the marble of the supreme law the administrative and legal shield to regain control. More you delay in making this decision, the more the situation will deteriorate,” warns the head of the RN list to the Europeans. 


Immigration law: LR and RN reiterate the idea of ​​a referendum on immigration and an overhaul of the Constitutional Council

The RN boss concludes: "The French have an inalienable right to live in peace, guaranteed by a State which owes them protection. There is, however, no 'right to France' allowing anyone to settle in us against the will of the people, in violation of our laws and in contradiction with all the rules of hospitality.” Jordan Bardella will be in Menton this Monday to denounce this decision, alongside Fabrice Leggeri, former director of Frontex, and new number 3 on the list of the National Rally for Europeans.