Miguel Riaño Madrid


Updated Sunday, February 18, 2024-23:07

  • Live Last minute of the elections in Galicia

  • 18-F The PP sweeps Galicia and Sánchez leads the PSOE to disaster

  • Elections The results in Galicia, in detail

The Sigma Dos survey for EL MUNDO published this Sunday at the close of the regional polls in Galicia resulted in an absolute success. The survey, carried out until yesterday with 2,389 interviews, was exactly right that the Popular Party would maintain the absolute majority with between 38 and 40 seats and 47.8% (in the end it was 40 seats and 47.6%), which the BNG devoured the electoral space of the PSOE and would climb to 30.8% and 24 or 25 seats (finally 31.5% and 25 representatives), and that the PSOE would fall devoured by nationalism to 14.8% with between 10 and 12 deputies (it remained at 14% with 9 seats, just 100 votes away from achieving tenth in Orense).

The Sigma Dos poll also predicted that

Democracia Ourensana

would enter the Galician Parliament. And that Sumar and Vox would be very far from achieving representation, with a percentage of around 2%, as finally happened.

The level of success of the polls was also very high in the case of the one carried out by GAD3 for the regional television stations, and in that of Sondaxe for

La Voz de Galicia

, although the Popular Party beat the expectations of both polling stations in percentage of votes. .

Quite the opposite happened again with the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) directed by the socialist José Félix Tezanos. The public institute, in its last barometer published six days before the elections, predicted that the PP would win but would obtain only 42.2%, which would leave it in a range of between 34 and 38 deputies. That is, it would lose the absolute majority in the vast majority of possible scenarios. Very far from what happened at the polls.

Tezanos, with very wide ranges, predicted 33.4% for the BNG, whom it raised to 31 deputies in the most optimistic scenario. And 18.1% for the PSOE, which would achieve between 9 and up to 14 deputies in the CIS survey. In addition, he stated that Sumar could aspire to up to two parliamentarians.

In total, the CIS of Tezanos advanced 54.5% of votes for the left bloc among all its representatives. The reality was that this 18-F the sum of the BNG, PSOE, Sumar and Podemos remained at 47.7%, a deviation of almost 7 points. And on the contrary, he predicted that the right (PP+Vox) would remain at 44.6% and finally climbed to 49.62%, with more than 5.6 points of deviation. Democracia Ourensana also doubled the result awarded to it by the CIS.