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CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann

Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai massively criticized the Greens and the SPD and openly called for an alliance with the Union. Now CDU party leader Carsten Linnemann is offering the Liberals a coalition. »It is undisputed that we as a Union have the greatest overlap in content with the FDP. With the FDP, a bourgeois policy could most easily be realized,” Linnemann told “Bild”. "The liberals and we have a similar understanding of politics, which focuses on the individual and does not want to dictate from above how one should live," he added.

At the same time, Linnemann emphasized that it was questionable "whether the FDP will find the strength to return to its actual politics or whether it will continue to support the wrong politics in the traffic lights." He is “convinced that a bourgeois coalition made up of the CDU, CSU and FDP would be the right coalition to create a turning point. We could push through a lot here from the CDU, especially an Agenda 2040, which our country urgently needs," said Linnemann.

Djir-Sarai mocked the economic competence of the Greens and the SPD

FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai had previously said: "I am firmly convinced that a bourgeois coalition of the CDU, CSU and FDP would be able not only to properly analyze the country's problems together, but also to actually find solutions together find". He also scoffed: "I wouldn't have to explain the basics of the social market economy every time in joint meetings with representatives of the CDU and CSU."

However, the criticism was not a call to break the traffic light coalition. This depends primarily on the behavior of the Greens in the coming weeks.

Djir-Sarai said about CDU leader Friedrich Merz's flirtation with a black-green coalition: "I know Friedrich Merz and am firmly convinced that he cannot ignore the party's primary wishes. And there is a great need, even within the Union, to govern with the FDP.
