Louise Garcia / Photo credits: StockSnap/pixabay 6:45 a.m., February 17, 2024

Two hours a day is the average time children spend in front of screens during the winter holidays, according to an Opinion Way survey for the company Tonies. This is almost twice as much as during the rest of the year. But sometimes parents are too busy to keep their children away from screens when they're not at school.

Who says vacation, says that you have to keep the children busy. Something far from easy for parents who are sometimes too busy. Which explains the results of an Opinion Way survey for the company Tonies which shows that children spend, on average, two hours a day in front of screens during the winter holidays. 

“During the holidays, there is a form of relaxation”

For Arnaud, father of two children aged four and six, the first instinct to occupy the children is screens: "To have peace of mind and be able to do personal activities, if I have to make phone calls, if I have to work, I put them in front of the television,” he explains. He ends up recognizing that this is not a good solution for them. On average, Arnaud's children spend three hours a day in front of screens. 


Young children spend too much time on screens, but differences exist depending on the region

An attitude that is far from safe: problems with attention, memory and in the longer term, we can observe language delays and even a change in personality. Turning on the television or even giving your child your smartphone, it is sometimes difficult to resist. “During the winter holidays, we generally have weather that is not favorable and then we also have parents who are not necessarily available, which means that there is a form of relaxation,” explains Éléonore Quarré , director of studies at Opinion Way. 

However, solutions exist with construction games, drawings, audio books. And if possible, the great outdoors as soon as a ray of sunshine shines through.