Daniel Lozano

Updated Saturday, February 17, 2024-21:12

  • Venezuela "Today we are all Rocío", the campaign that demands the freedom of the Spanish-Venezuelan activist Rocío San Miguel

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation,

José Manuel Albares

, held a telephone conversation this afternoon with the Venezuelan Foreign Minister,

Yván Gil

, in which he was interested in the arrest of the Spanish-Venezuelan citizen Rocío San Miguel. The president of the NGO Citizen Control for Security, Defense and the National Armed Forces remains imprisoned in the Helicoide prison, one of the headquarters of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN), Nicolás Maduro's political police.

This human rights activist, a relevant figure in Venezuelan civil society,

is accused of terrorism, treason and conspiracy

, being immersed, according to the Chavista Prosecutor's Office, in an alleged assassination attempt against the "people's president."

Albares and Gil "have also spoken," according to Foreign Affairs, about the situation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner in Venezuela, closed by the Bolivarian government in retaliation for demanding the freedom of San Miguel. The 13 UN officials are leaving the oil country, since they have a period of 72 hours after the Venezuelan ultimatum.

Venezuelan civil society organizations and activists

have called for a protest for next Tuesday

in front of the headquarters of the Spanish Embassy in Caracas.

In parallel, the Spanish consul in Caracas held his first meeting with

Miranda San Miguel,

Rocío's daughter who was also missing for several days, according to local media. The young woman, who also has Spanish nationality, is subject to precautionary measures that prevent her from returning to Madrid, her habitual residence and where last year she graduated in Journalism at the Complutense University.