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Bremen State Parliament President Antje Grotheer

Photo: Eckhard Stengel / IMAGO

The President of Bremen, Antje Grotheer (SPD), is calling on the federal traffic light coalition to introduce a ban on the purchase of sex based on the Nordic model. “I would like the federal government to act as a pioneer in Europe and not as a laggard,” Grotheer told SPIEGEL.

The SPD should also take a clear position in favor of a ban on the purchase of sex “after years of discussion.” She can only advise her party to address the issue clearly in the European election campaign. “It’s high time,” said Grotheer.

In recent years, Germany has developed into Europe's brothel and women are being systematically exploited. Human trafficking, forced prostitution and organized crime have reached “a new level”. But it's also about her fundamental belief: "As long as people can buy other people - and these are largely women - for sex, we are still miles away from equal rights," said the SPD politician.

Grotheer also addressed her appeal directly to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In a letter obtained by SPIEGEL, she wrote: "Dear Chancellor, dear Olaf," she wanted to "call on him to take action and work for the implementation, which also includes a fundamental ban on purchasing sex." The implementation is overdue and necessary. The Nordic Model contributes to “reducing the demand for commercial sex and effectively improving the protection of women.” In addition to Scholz, Grotheer also sent her letter to Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and the party and parliamentary group leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP.

In order to improve the rights and protection of prostitutes, the Prostitute Protection Act came into force in Germany in 2017. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs is currently evaluating the law. The federal government is not yet planning any further regulations.
