American actor John Cusack called for an end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip from its first days (French)

American actor John Cusack - through his account on the

Kozak also translated the last phrase of the video into English, in which Moran says: “At least, I say: Bear true witness! If we cannot resist properly, the only thing left is to bear witness. Let us resist in our minds, let us not be deceived.” “Let us not forget, let us have the courage to face things head on,” and he ended his comment with the hashtag #FreePalestine.

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Morin (102 years old), who participated in World War II with the French forces with the rank of lieutenant, spoke during a public symposium on the Palestinian issue, where he said that he was “astonished and angry at the same time that those who represent the descendants of a people who have been persecuted for centuries for religious or religious reasons.” Racism. The descendants of this people, who today are the decision-makers and makers of the State of Israel, are not only colonizing an entire country, partially expelling its people from their land and seeking to expel them forever, but they are also committing a real massacre against the people of Gaza, and they continue without interruption to beat civilians, women and children. ".

“At least, I say: bear witness! The only thing that remains if we cannot resist concretely is to testify. Let's resist in our minds, let's not be fooled, let's not forget, let's have the courage to face things head-on."

— John Cusack (@johncusack) February 15, 2024

The French philosopher added, "To see the silence of the world, the silence of the United States, the protectors of Israel, the silence of the Arab countries, and the silence of the European countries that claim to be defenders of culture, humanity and human rights, this makes me believe that we are living a terrible tragedy, because we are also helpless in the face of this absolute evil." .

A fierce fighter

The Hollywood actor Cusack turned his social media accounts into media platforms to condemn the Israeli war on Gaza, which prompted Israel’s supporters to attack him. Groups supporting Tel Aviv nominated him to win the title of “Biggest Jew Hater” as part of a weekly nomination carried out by Zionist lobby groups on social media sites.

A number of users of the

He also stressed that he is not worried about his future in Hollywood as a result of his position in support of Palestinian rights and his continuous demands to stop the massacres in Gaza. Cusack mocked his critics for putting the future of one person in exchange for "genocide committed day and night before the eyes of the world."

Inhumanity cannot be accepted in any notion of civilization. Nothing can excuse the inhumanity imposed by Israel even in the face of Hamas insanity. Netanyahu has failed, plain and simple… his super hardline is a complete failure and he has no endgame.

— John Cusack (@johncusack) October 17, 2023

The American actor also participated with more than two thousand artists around the world in issuing a statement that accused governments of helping Israel commit crimes in its war on Gaza, and demanded an end to military and political support for Tel Aviv.

The star of the movie “Say Anything” published a post on his page on January 13, on the occasion of the 100th day since the start of the war on Gaza, in which he said, “100 days of massacre. The South African government is submitting a case to the court, while the United States "The United States does not see, it only sees the defense of the Israelis. If you have not yet spoken publicly on behalf of the Palestinians, now is the only time that matters. No one will forget, and no one can claim ignorance."

Edgar Morin

Returning to Edgar Morin, he is a contemporary French philosopher and sociologist. He was born in 1921, and his family immigrated at the beginning of the twentieth century from Thessaloniki in Greece to Marseilles, then to Paris, where Edgar, a Sephardic Jew, was born.

Edgar helped refugees and joined the French Resistance when the Germans invaded France in 1940, and used the name "Morin" as a pseudonym when he participated in the French Resistance against the German occupation.

He received 27 honorary doctorates from universities around the world. He also added dozens of books to the sciences of sociology and philosophy, the most important of which are “Europe’s Culture and its Barbarism,” “Where is the World Going?”, “Are We Walking into the Abyss?”, and “Thought and the Future: An Introduction.” To complex thought,” and “the humanistic approach to humanity, human identity.”

Despite his being more than a century old, the French philosopher still participates in public events. Last November, Morin participated in the “Great Library” dialogue presented by the famous French journalist and literary critic Augustin Trabenard, in which the French philosopher critically addressed the human reality in “ Today's ambiguous and complex world, and the feeling of hatred that is spreading more in the world," calling for not giving in to hatred.

He also called for taking a stand and "not forgetting just issues," indicating that he takes a stance of humanitarian concern toward those who are suffering "and at the present time they are in Gaza."

He added that the matter may not be easy. “In reality, not everyone is against war, and there are times when we are swept away by the current, and we are asked to choose a side and take a position. I take a position on human anxiety.”

Source: Al Jazeera