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Video duration 07 minutes 43 seconds 07:43

After a massive Israeli campaign of intimidation and arrests of internal Palestinians, the rhetoric of incitement against them is growing, coinciding with the expansion of the campaign to arm Israeli society.

After the Al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on the seventh of last October, and the subsequent brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the people of the Palestinian interior did not delay in going out to demand an end to the war, but they were met with a massive campaign of intimidation, and the Israeli police arrested them. Hundreds of them, and dozens were fired from their jobs.

This was accompanied by a remarkable growth in inflammatory rhetoric and the expansion of the campaign to arm Israeli society.

The attached report reviews some of the pressures and risks to which Palestinians inside the country are exposed due to their positions of solidarity with Gaza.

Source: Al Jazeera