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Jakarta -

More than 205 million Indonesian voters will go to the polls tomorrow morning, Wednesday, February 14, in the sixth elections held in the country since the democratic transition, after the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998.

Tomorrow, the country's president and vice president will be elected, and 20,000 members of the central parliament, the Senate, and local councils in the regions and governorates will be chosen, through voting in 823,220 polling stations.

Al Jazeera Net polled the opinions of a number of Indonesian citizens from various groups about what they expect from tomorrow's elections, and what they hope the president - who will be elected - will achieve for them and their country.

The speakers almost unanimously agree that the most important thing they are waiting for tomorrow is for the elections to be held fairly and transparently, without interference in the electoral process, and for them to end safely and without violent incidents, as happened in the previous elections in 2019, which were followed by violent incidents due to questioning of their results.

Respondents expect the next president to be able to achieve stability and development for the national economy, which is what all candidates promise in their election campaigns.

Source: Al Jazeera