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Video duration 03 minutes 56 seconds 03:56

Political correspondents and analysts, in their follow-up of the war on the Gaza Strip through Israeli channels, discussed the phone call that took place between US President Joe Biden and occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about carrying out a military operation in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, in addition to the Egyptian rejection of it.

Political affairs correspondent for the Israeli Kan 11 channel, Amichai Stein, said that the American message that Biden repeated during his call with Netanyahu is that the operation in Rafah may lead to a disaster if it is not properly planned and constructed, pointing out that this call comes at the height of tension between Israel and the United States. .

Channel 13's political affairs correspondent, Moriah Asrif Wolberg, also reported that Biden warned Netanyahu in the call against carrying out the operation, and quoted an Israeli political source that after Biden expressed his fear of the operation, Netanyahu responded that it was necessary and that Israel would carry it out while harming the least amount of civilians.

Channel 11, through its military affairs correspondent, addressed the Egyptian rejection of the operation, which he justified by Cairo’s fear that the displaced people in Rafah would rush to enter Israeli territory, adding that if this issue is resolved and the displacement of Palestinians to areas inside the country begins, the Egyptian rejection will become more flexible.

Indolence of rejection

Sharon explained that the Egyptian regime needs to show its rejectionist position for internal political purposes in light of the conditions in the Middle East and in front of the Palestinians, but in the end, when the Israeli army determines for the Palestinians where they should go, with the start of the evacuation, the Egyptian rejection will begin to relax.

In another context, the researcher on the subject of intelligence failures, Avner Barnea, quoted a senior military intelligence officer as saying that they were blind and did not know what was happening in the Gaza Strip, despite the reconnaissance balloons and eavesdropping devices, because the resistance had built a system in which information was not transmitted wirelessly, but rather passed through From underground.

He added that at a time when many military battalions were supposed to be deployed along the border with the Gaza Strip in anticipation of any attack, the opposite was happening, adding, “The army yielded to all the whims of the settlers and transferred more forces, and no one stood up to pound on the table and warn them: ‘Be patient.’” You left the Gaza Strip without soldiers."

Source: Al Jazeera