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Seeing the black (symbolic image): “Confidence is the driving force behind remaining able to act and solution-oriented, especially in difficult times.”

Photo: Roc Canals/Getty Images

Lying awake at night and pondering

what could go wrong with a project, why a plan probably won't work or whether a challenge is even worth taking on: doubts and worries keep us from taking action. But mostly they are exaggerated. On the other hand, it helps to adopt a different attitude: “Confidence is the driving force for remaining able to act and solution-oriented, especially in difficult times,” says Tatjana Reichhart.

Be good to yourself!

How to escape



find the right


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Reichhart is a doctor, behavioral therapist and expert in resilience and self-care. Together with SPIEGEL COACHING, she developed a self-test. This gives you insights into how confident you are about the future and how much you trust in yourself. You will also find some suggestions to help you develop a more optimistic attitude.

If you would like to bring more confidence into your life, you can sign up for our free, everyday coaching. We will then send you a training session by email every Friday for eight weeks. To register, click here.

Answer the statements in the check with yes or no. If you are not sure, choose the answer that is more appropriate.

Have you discovered how optimistic or pessimistic you are about your life? If you would like to become more confident, you can sign up for our free eight-week coaching here.