Thus, according to an analysis of the Presidential Leadership Index conducted by Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TIPP Insights, Biden now shows "significant" vulnerability in 18 key demographic groups.

Specifically, the analysis shows Biden receiving "significant" negative momentum from 18 groups, including white men and women, independents and moderate voters, and young adults ages 18 to 24.

“Our trend analysis shows that Biden's position among Americans has weakened significantly over the past three months,” TIPP Insights said, highlighting that a wide range of Americans are losing confidence in Biden.

Johns Hopkins University professor and surgeon Marty Macari, in an interview with Fox, argued that the US President is showing signs of progressive age-related dementia.

Biden himself called himself the most experienced US presidential candidate of all time and said that he was in the prime of his life.

At the same time, the personal physician of Biden’s predecessors as head of state, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, member of the United States House of Representatives Ronny Jackson believes that the US president needs to pass a number of tests for cognitive abilities before participating in the elections.