Efe Madrid


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-12:21

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Juan Francisco Benito

, father of a victim of the 11-M attacks in Madrid, has been named the new president of the

Victims of Terrorism Foundation

(FVT) replacing

Tomás Caballero

, who left office in December at his own request.

For the first time, the Foundation will be chaired by a relative of a fatal victim of a terrorist attack of a jihadist nature, since to date the presidents of this entity have been linked, in one way or another, to ETA terrorism.

Furthermore, his appointment coincides with this year's commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 11-M attacks, which left 193 dead.

This was reported this Monday by the

Ministry of the Interior

, which, on behalf of the Government, has thanked Caballero - who took office in July 2020 - for the dedication and work, and for having carried out great activity on behalf of the foundation.

Father of

Rodolfo Benito

, who died in the jihadist attacks perpetrated on March 11, 2004 in Madrid, Juan Francisco Benito is secretary of the board of directors and founding member of the Board of Trustees of the Rodolfo Benito Samaniego Foundation. His son was a young 27-year-old industrial engineer who lived in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) and lost his life on the train that suffered the attack at the Santa Eugenia station.

The Rodolfo Benito Samaniego Foundation has received numerous awards, such as the II City of Alcalá Award for Civic Values, the Honorary Silver Medal from the University of Alcalá de Henares. In turn, its board recognizes the work of people committed to the values ​​of peace and solidarity with annual awards.

Juan Francisco Benito is also a member of the group of "victim educators" and actively participates in the educational project of the Ministry of the Interior that brings the testimony of victims to the classrooms.

For his election as president of the FVT, the Government has assessed that Juan Francisco Benito maintains a fluid and very cordial relationship with all the associations and foundations of victims of terrorism and also has experience in directing foundations in the field of memory and defending the rights of victims.


The Victims of Terrorism Foundation is a non-profit entity created on December 19, 2001 with the purpose of bringing together aid and collaborating with all associations and foundations of victims of terrorism registered in Spain.

In accordance with its statutes, its purpose is to promote and disseminate democratic values, the defense of human rights, plurality and freedom of citizens and, at the same time, be a useful vehicle of consultation for a better understanding of the situation. of the group of victims of terrorism in Spain.

Likewise, one of its objectives is to provide the necessary assistance in its assistance aspect to victims of terrorism and their families; promote scholarships and promote cultural exchanges and create a permanent cultural fund in memory of the victims.

Its financing, as stated in its statutes, is mixed, partly coming from transfers from the State and partly from donations from companies and private entities. The first president of the Foundation's Board of Trustees was the first democratic president of the Government of Spain,

Adolfo Suárez

, who continued to be Honorary President until his death in 2014.