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Video duration: 11 minutes 35 seconds 11:35

Military expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi said that there are three possible scenarios for the upcoming Israeli military operation in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Duwairi pointed out that the biggest problem facing Israel in this process is the displaced people in the city, who number about 1.3 million, as the occupying state will have to evacuate the area of ​​them.

He explained that, in practice, Israel has no choice but to push the displaced to the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, because there is no place for them in central and southern Gaza, while Benjamin Netanyahu's government refuses their return to the Strip.

With Egypt threatening to suspend the Camp David Accords if Israel launches a military operation in Rafah, the occupation army may try to occupy the Philadelphia axis to completely enforce the siege on Gaza, according to Al-Duwairi.

The military expert said that Israel may be threatening a military operation in Rafah in order to obtain concessions from the resistance in the armistice agreement issued by the Paris meeting.

Al-Duwairi believes that the Egyptian and American positions represent the final say in this process, because these two countries have the power to effectively prevent Israel with the cards they possess.

He concluded by saying that Israel cannot carry out a military operation in Rafah without committing a massacre against the displaced, stressing that this matter imposes great pressure even on Tel Aviv’s supporters.

Source: Al Jazeera