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Off the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago: Rescue workers are trying to clean up a massive oil slick

Photo: AFP

After a mysterious ship accident, a huge oil slick has formed off the coast of the Caribbean state of Trinidad and Tobago. The oil extends for at least 15 kilometers off the island of Tobago, authorities said. Among other things, a coral reef and several of the island's beaches, which are very popular with tourists, are affected. According to the Emergencies Ministry, more than a thousand volunteers were deployed to clear the beaches of oil.

No emergency signals issued

The oil appears to have come from a ship that capsized off the southern coast of Tobago on Wednesday and was carried towards the beach by the waves. The accident appears mysterious: When the ship was spotted on Wednesday, it was sailing under an unidentifiable flag and did not emit any distress signals. According to the Emergencies Ministry, the crew has not been found.

Trinidad and Tobago is very popular among foreign tourists because of its picturesque beaches. Tourism is one of the country's main sources of income. The current carnival season, which could now be influenced by the oil slick, plays an important role.
