
Updated Saturday, February 10, 2024-12:36

"It's quite a mess. Everything is full of police. They are raising the sewers. It seems that the president is coming, but I don't know what time, I guess in the morning." In a cafeteria in Vigo, a few meters from the auditorium of the Mar de Vigo Congress Palace, the police force and the death of two civil guards run over by a drug boat in Barbate are the talk of the cafes on a rainy morning. "I could come here for coffee," the waiter simply says. "You make your day, everything is filled with police." Vigo is the city in which Alberto Núñez Feijóo was registered, in which he voted with four absolute majorities. In the last general elections, the PSOE was the party with the most votes. Pedro Sánchez has traveled to this seaside city in the middle of the Galician campaign, an appointment that as the days go by becomes more relevant because of what it can mean on the national political map.

The PSOE faces complex elections in Galicia, since the PP seems unattainable for the socialists, but also the BNG. The machinery is focused on not losing pace, at least maintaining results and promoting, in the company of the nationalists, a change of government, although unlike La Moncloa, they have to be the minority sector. As if it were a defibrillator, trying to reactivate vital signs, so that the heart rate does not stop, Pedro Sánchez has traveled to Vigo to seek that boost with social advertisements. He takes advantage of the Galician campaign to anticipate measures that a few days later will be approved by the Council of Ministers. A week ago, in Ourense, the announcement of the increase in the minimum wage was announced. Now, housing aid. Social issues, no trace of amnesty.

The President of the Government has anticipated that his cabinet will approve on Tuesday a line of guarantees of some 2,000 million through the Official Credit Institute (ICO) to help young people and families with minors and in situations of economic difficulty to cope with the payment of the down payment to acquire a property. This measure, which comes in the middle of the Galician campaign, was already anticipated by the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, in an appearance in Congress on January 25.

According to Rodríguez, these are two lines of help with the ICO. "A line of loans for the promotion of affordable housing, especially in public-private collaboration formulas, an essential tool to mobilize financing at a lower price than the market price." . In total, 4,000 million euros to expand the social housing stock, within the framework of the addendum to the Recovery Plan. Another line of 20% guarantees aimed at young people and families with minors in their care for partial coverage by mortgage loans, for an amount of up to 2,500 million euros," Rodríguez detailed.