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Video duration 04 minutes 08 seconds 04:08

Israeli news channels focused their daily discussions on the position of Benjamin Netanyahu's government regarding the proposed framework agreement for the exchange of prisoners and the truce in Gaza, and on the decision to resign from his position as a lieutenant colonel against the backdrop of failure to confront the Palestinian resistance.

Moria Asraf-Wolberg, political affairs correspondent on Channel 13, revealed that Netanyahu sent a letter to ministers from the Likud Party and the government in which he asked why they did not attack the prisoner exchange deal between the Palestinian resistance and Israel, which is being negotiated. She added that Netanyahu became angry and rebuked the ministers who did not attack the deal during the government session.

In the same context, Channel 12 talked about US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s meeting with 6 families of Israeli prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and the families asked him about the United States’ vision for the response of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), as it presented it to the mediators.

The Hamas movement had submitted its response to the proposed framework for stopping the aggression and exchanging prisoners, to mediators in Qatar and Egypt. Sources explained to Al Jazeera that the movement agreed to a framework agreement to reach a complete and sustainable ceasefire in 3 stages, each stage lasting 45 days, and including agreement on the exchange of prisoners and the bodies of the dead, ending the siege, and reconstruction.

Thousands of families of Israeli prisoners march towards Netanyahu’s office (Anatolia)

The channel's correspondent, Yaron Abraham, revealed that Blinken told the families, "We must admit that there are difficulties. We expected things to progress faster, but it is important for you to know that the negotiations are continuing and there are those we are working with. The channels have not been closed, and the deal is possible."

On the other hand, Israeli media channels talked about the first resignation in the army following the failure of October 7, and Channel 13 reported that an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the “Aman” apparatus - which is the military intelligence division - informed his commanders that he bore responsibility and that he would leave his position.

According to Channel 13, “This officer works in the Palestinian Arena Department in the Research Unit of the Intelligence Division and specializes in the Hamas movement in Gaza.” The channel said, “The officer was part of the intelligence work and the incorrect intelligence hypothesis was that Hamas had been deterred and did not want to initiate a war.” ".

The same source added that the army spokesman downplayed the importance of this matter and said that the resignation was due to personal motives.

Commenting on the officer’s decision, former head of the Israeli Foreign Intelligence Service (Mossad), Danny Yatom, said, “For an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel to announce that he bears responsibility and resigns, this is not earth-shattering news at all, and the earth-shattering news will be when the highest leadership level announces it, and this includes the political level.”

Source: Al Jazeera