Olivier Delacroix SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:31 a.m., February 9, 2024

In the heart of the night, listeners freely surrender to the attentive and caring ears of Olivier Delacroix. No judgments or taboos, a frank conversation but also answers to the questions that listeners ask themselves. A moment of exchange and sharing conducive to confidence to leave with a lighter heart.

Night listeners:

- Olivier: 

Suffering from multiple sclerosis, Olivier climbed Kilimanjaro.



His sister is being mistreated in a home, he wants to get her out [continued with Roland, on the legal aspect]


Rodolphe cannot regain the taste for living.


Marie deplores the poor quality of care for the elderly by associations

- Christine: 

Daughter of the DDASS, Christine searches in vain for information about her mother