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Video duration 02 minutes 22 seconds 02:22

Scientific Director of the Travel Medicine Center in Germany, Thomas Jelinek, said that dengue fever is a fever that spreads mainly in tropical regions of Asia, South America and Africa, as well as in some European countries.

He explained that dengue fever is transmitted by a mosquito called the tiger mosquito, also known as the yellow fever mosquito or the dengue mosquito. He pointed out that the symptoms of infection with this fever are a severe rise in body temperature, pain in the limbs and joints, headache, shivering, itching, and a rash. It covers a large area of ​​skin, in addition to swollen lymph nodes.

These symptoms often appear four to seven days after being bitten by a mosquito, which is the incubation period for the disease.

Dangerous path

In some cases, dengue fever may take a severe course that poses a threat to life, and the patient then suffers from abdominal pain, continuous vomiting, shortness of breath, and bleeding of the mucous membranes, such as bleeding gums, for example.

Simple cases of dengue fever are treated with fever-reducing and pain-relieving medications, while serious cases require medical care in the hospital.

Ways of prevention

To prevent dengue fever, travelers to endemic tropical areas must receive the dengue vaccination. The skin can also be protected from mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent to the skin.

It is also useful to wear long clothes that cover parts of the body that are susceptible to mosquito bites, such as the hands and feet.

Source: German